Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Reaching Me

Every film has to be carefully planned by positioning it through the selling points by understanding of different 
  • gender
  • lifestyles
  • activities 
  • ages
of audiences available. This results in the decision on how and where a film is promoted, the film industry is a very competitive market and has to compete for audiences' time as well and income. 

Genre and Audience 

Keiza Williams from eOne, explains the importance of understanding your target audience In order to market the film.     
  • what motivates them?
  • interests them?
  • what drives them to going to the cinema?
The distributors will examine comparable films, films that are similar to one the distributor is working with. They then create a set that they can look back at data and research to identify who the audience was for those films. 

Looking at demographic data
  • male
  • female
  • age group
Box office data
  • regionality 
  • how each cinema performs 
  • was there a specific cinema chain people went to?
They must also do this research to understand their target audience 
  • bespoke research
  • focus groups
  • go out and talk to potential audiences 
  • film may be an established book/game, this will have data on who is already interested
  • is there certain talent that appeals to certain demographic/group
  • understand core audience and persuadable audience 
  • if the film is a 4 quadrant film (Film with multiple target audiences)
Chris Bessling talks about how distributors need to research to support the release strategy, as the film industry is massively high risk, there are anomaly at box office weekly as it is unpredictable. This is why the mostly rely on historical data.

The historical data helps them get an idea of makeup of the audience who saw the films, age demographics, socio economical standing, who should they be target? how comparable titles performed at box office? This will allow the distributors to forecast potential taking. 

The hook and the audience 

When completing this task I thought about what Kezia Williams and Chris Besseling said, thinking about demographics and socio-groups as well as the type of films I believe I would like thinking about my own age demographic. 

Some films I thought would be dependant on a specific person and their hobbies and interests rather than just an age group.

Reaching the Target Audience 


I thought about how I would market a film using the information I learnt from Williams and Besseling in the short videos. 

Marketability and Playability

Marketability is the ability for a product or service to be sold or marketed. Marketability for film is extremely important otherwise people may not have awareness of the film and pay much attention to it. 

Playability is the quality of the product or service, it is how the audience react to the film and if they are satisfied, if the audience are satisfied this will mean there will be good word of mouth and they may encourage peers to see the film. It is about the outcome of the film and how many people continue to watch the film after using DVD, streaming.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent understanding. You demonstrate clearly what you have learned from the FDA site about how distributors identify target audiences in order to position different films. You present your research in an organised way.
