Our brief was to produce two film trailers, a main full length trailer and a short teaser trailer. As a group we took it upon ourselves to create an authentic creative horror/thriller film. As the rest of my blog shows I researched greatly into the film industry, marketing techniques, codes & conventions as well as what my particular audience would like. 



The trailer for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is an extremely effective trailer, it shows that the film is worth going to see because of the use of edits and sound as well as the genre of the film. The film starts off with orchestral classical music with the stereotypical vision of women in this time, however it changes to an action pact film with upbeat fast pace music, showing women as strong figures and superior. This makes it different as it is set in an older time however is action pact. The hook of this film is how they strongly portray women, with Lily James being one of the main characters who is well known talent. 
The sound and use of composition is important in this trailer, as with the orchestral music at the beginning it portrays all girls to be innocent sweet girls, however with the use of guitar music growing louder as the girls walk towards the camera as a unit with weapons, it shows that they are fighting the fight rather than the stereotype of a damsel in distress. The film is also based on a book written by the famous writer Jane Austin, she will already have a huge fan base who will be excited to see the written book turn into live action. 

The sound used within the trailer for In the Heart of the Sea is extremely simple however very effective as it creates tension as the trailer goes on, it starts off relatively quiet with a faint echo, and the natural sounds of the sea and the boat moving. The lighting is dark, creating the sense of fear and danger, with low angle shots as the actors look up and look around to find out what the noise is. The hook of this trailer is the story of men at sea when they are faced with this myth of Moby Dick. There are multiple famous actors in this film, with these faces being apart of the film it will attract an audience as they will associate them with good high quality films, with Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland.
The fast pace editing and use of incredible CGI, excites the viewer to see the film as it looks realistic with an intense storyline. 'COMES ONE OF THE GREATEST TRUE STORIES' this is a unique selling point for the film as the action pact adventure film is based on a true story, making people want to see how it ends and how and who survive this journey. 

The33 is an inspiring, heart warming true story of the struggles in Chile when 33 men get trapped under ground after working in a gold mine. This trailer is would attract an audience who may be able to relate to the film, people who speak Spanish or come from a Spanish heritage as they may feel strongly on this subject, the subject on how the government act like they care but do very little to help. 
Within the trailer they use music with lyrics in it using well known songs, these songs heighten emotion and make the audience sympathetic and care more about what will happen and how It will be resolved. The lighting is dark when underground with only very little unnatural yellow lighting, this creates fear and unease for the audience. The fast pace editing and loud screaming and crashing sound, shows the hook of the film when the distastes strikes. 


using the FDA website I did the task of the trailer maker, this task was fun and enabled me to use my creativity skills more. They offered me clips from the Suffragette film trailer, however I could put them into my own sequence and add in my own sound. I enjoyed doing this although was difficult to get smooth cuts because I could not edit the length of the clips or add in transitions.  MY FINISHED TRAILER: 

1 comment:

  1. Trailers Sophisticated and technically competent. All genre conventions are convincingly observed. Excellent quality work: evidence of thorough and detailed genre research that informs your own work; articulate reflection about your own trailer. Both products engage audiences effectively through chilling thriller / horror codes using a vulnerable female victim, ominous minor characters, a carefully constructed narrative framework and creative lighting, costumes and sound. You have convincingly created a 1950s boarding school and suggested the dark secrets of its basement for the mise-en-scene.
