Saturday, May 1, 2021




  1. POSTER A stylish, streamlined and graphic poster that packs a punch but also has subtle shadowed layers outlining the building of The Institute. Your use of chiaroscuro lighting is bold and powerful, with half of the protagonist’s face in shadow, making her seem gaunt, anxious and hounded, especially combined with the posture of the hands cradling the head. The protagonist makes direct eye contact with the audience, establishing a bond. The handling of the central image fits the thriller / horror genre and provides a strong backdrop against which the red title and white tagline stand out clearly. The poster observes all genre conventions (talent, billing block, release date, social media). A classy piece of work.

  2. Website You provide is an impressively thorough, beautifully presented and rigorously researched post under your FILM WEBSITE page that offers very substantial evidence of the highest quality work. Your website hosts all our your promo pack in a convincing and cohesively designed whole that engages your target audience from the home page forwards. The landing page presents your Production Company, Moonlight Productions, shivering in disconcerting grey at top and bottom with its crescent moon logo. The central splash is the key image of the protagonist that also appears on your poster and features prominently in the trailers, creating brand cohesion. The sombre monochrome fits the horror / thriller genre well, punctuated by the blood red title and relieved only by the contours of the engaging protagonist’s grave face, set against the moonlit Institute and echoed in a second close-up of her face. The whole page is beautifully balanced, showing a keen sense of layout design, and leading the eye across the essentials of the page. The top bar houses the convergent links to other pages neatly and they all work smoothly, with all social media on one side.
    Scrolling down, audiences are invited in by the intriguing video of a corridor that plunges mysteriously to the Basement, with the film synopsis to one side, and pull quotes beckoning and clearly signalling the horror genre, with a security camera time code twitching unnervingly. Other pages impress through their creativity: the Cast page is set against a backdrop of video showing the protagonist arriving at The Institute, and like the other pages, it is finely balanced. Very inventive merchandise are (digitally) created for the Shop page and all are carefully considered for the target market and contribute to the film’s branding. The website hosts all components of an ambitious independent film, such as festival screenings, reviews, trailers, posters, and the full range of social media links. The website is a real work of art.

  3. FILM TRAILERS Your work filming, directing and editing has been substantial. You have also had to respond creatively to the restrictions imposed by lockdowns which have prevented you and your production team from filming together and from filming in locations originally planned. Equally, your casting has had to be re-arranged. In all these adaptations, you and your team have risen to the considerable challenges.
    Your trailers are sophisticated and technically competent. All genre conventions are convincingly observed. Excellent quality work: evidence of thorough and detailed genre research that informs your own work; articulate reflection about your own trailer. Both products engage audiences effectively through chilling thriller / horror codes using a vulnerable female victim, ominous minor characters, a carefully constructed narrative framework and creative lighting, costumes and sound. You have convincingly created a 1950s boarding school and suggested the dark secrets of its basement for the mise-en-scene.
