Wednesday, June 17, 2020



the costs for producing marketing material e.g. trailers and buying media advertising e.g. website banners, radio and tv spots, newspaper and creating an online source for the film.


publicity creates more awareness and interest In a film. This may include articles or interviews which are seen as 'more trusted' than display advertising. Premieres are included as they are the cost of getting stars and directors to attend which will generate more coverage from the press. These kinds of events offer fans opportunities to interact with the stars more at the red carpet to get selfies, autographs and more. 

Cross promotion: set up with different companies outside film industry e.g. food brands, drinks, clothing etc, to help promote the film to a different environment with hope of a wider audience.

in short video Williams explains that brand partnership important part of blockbuster marketing campaign and the promotions and messages that can be achieved. Every film will have the trailers and the assets that speak about the specific film, this is extremely single minded in how they communicate with an audience. 

She talks about brand partnerships and how they allow you to extend out to other target audiences and other areas that you usually may not be able to reach, this may allow the film to add synergy. 

Distributors look at many factors when it comes to the campaign release, they also must discuss who the potential brand partners may be, this may depend on the connection between: 
  • themes in a film
  • storyline
  • background
  • talent
The distributors brainstorm and identify who the brand partners may be and then leads to them going out and having the conversations with:
  • established partners
  • industry partners
  • agencies 

Once the distributor has seen the film and decided on both the hook and target audience, the distributor can now decide on a way to market the film. They must figure out how much money should be spent on publicity and advertising and on digital prints to send to the cinemas. 

Deciding how much to spend:
  • predict how much film will make at box office
(using own specialist knowledge as well as comparing film with others of similar traits)
  • how big the potential audience will be, the more the film makes 
  • ticket sales
If the film has a wide appeal it can be released in multiple big cinemas (SATURATION RELEASE), although if the audience is smaller it can have a limited release.

When a film is given to cinemas to play in their screens they are given a digital file with the film, it's soundtrack, synchronised subtitles and audio description tracks


Most UK films are are launched on fewer than 100 digital copies, limited release is not massively supported by large sums of advertising spend. 

In 2014, roughly £350 million was spent on advertising films. Of this around £190 million was invested in above the line media advertising and the remainder on advertising production, cutting trailers, publicity junkets, materials, premieres and producing and delivering DCP's (digital cinema print) to be projected on cinema screens. 

When releasing a blockbuster film it is important to start the planning early as there is lots of pressure for the film to perform well and to ensure it achieves its maximum capacity of sales. To do so the distributor must understand the:
  • audience
  • hook
  • theme
  • how marketing and publicity may impact sales
Although Chris Besseling expands more on non-blockbuster films, the distributor must  find its selling point in the film, it has to offer something different, unique but also extremely powerful similar to Blockbuster films. For the smaller films they do not have the same marketing budgets to reach a wider target audience, this means that the distributor must be confident in knowing their audience and defining who that is early on, once they know who their audience is they must be committed to them. 


The largest spend of P&A budget is on advertising the film, the main advertising methods used are:

  • Posters
  • Trailers
  • Press advertising
  • T.V. advertising
  • Websites
  • Outdoor
  • Radio advertising
  • Merchandise/Cross-promotion
  • Online social media

If a film is fortunate enough to have a big film and huge talent and faces associated with the film, they will get them to the UK and use them as a press junket, and publicise with them whether thats:
  • print interviews
  • newspapers 
  • magazines
  • photoshoots
  • covers
  • talk shows
  • radio 
If they have this talent they will try get them on as guests for example on Graham Norton Show which is seen as the biggest talk show in the UK and with 2/3 weeks until release they will appear as guests on these shows having the well known faces talk about the film to a larger audience that radio/tv shows provide. 

Social media is also an important way of advertising now, with twitter and instagram, the talent of the films may have a big following, if they tweet they are in London for release and talk about the film they are connecting directly to the fans and may attract a larger audience. Traditional media is also used still however social media is now integrated more with traditional media to help reach those audiences. 


The film poster is to make the audience aware of the films existence and release.It is to help attract an audience and make them want to see the film and give an idea of what the film is about. It includes:
  • stars
  • credits
  • tagline
'KEY ART', is the iconic image on the film poster, it is usually scene as the film's identity and essential feature. A good film poster catches the eye, tempts the mind and touches the heart. Triggering viewers interests to see it and see what the experience really is.

If a film is part of a sequel, the poster must immediately show this and show that is part of a continuing saga. If it's a new and original film, the poster must be bold enough to make an impact, and be able to stand out from the competing designs, messages and branding which will be seen everywhere. 

In our modern digital age, posters are produced using sophisticated software e.g. Illustrator and Photoshop. If a film poster becomes well established as a genre of commercial 'pop art' in their own right they will have copyrighted designs. 

The poster gets is message across by:
  • image used on poster
  • star (talent) names/faces
  • sizing of specific words
  • colour 
  • certificate


Film trailer is the most cost effective way of advertising in the film industry, they are shown in cinemas to a captive audience and on website, TV. A trailer will reflect what people can expect to see at the cinema, by using parts of the finished film, the trailer can be used to excite and grab the audiences attention, creating awareness and a 'must see' attitude from the audiences.

a trailer can give an audience:
  • sense of genre
  • what the story is about
  • who is in the film
  • when the film will be released

Trailers can be classified in three ways:

  • The teaser trailer
  • The full trailer
  • The T.V. spot 
  • On-set blogs posted by key cast or crew

Teaser trailers may start to show anything up to a whole year before a film opens, a full trailer may be released 1 - 2 months before release, TV spots 1 - 2 weeks before release.

The trailer for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is an extremely effective trailer, it shows that the film is worth going to see because of the use of edits and sound as well as the genre of the film. The film starts off with orchestral classical music with the stereotypical vision of women in this time, however it changes to an action pact film with upbeat fast pace music, showing women as strong figures and superior. This makes it different as it is set in an older time however is action pact. The hook of this film is how they strongly portray women, with Lily James being one of the main characters who is well known talent. 
The sound and use of composition is important in this trailer, as with the orchestral music at the beginning it portrays all girls to be innocent sweet girls, however with the use of guitar music growing louder as the girls walk towards the camera as a unit with weapons, it shows that they are fighting the fight rather than the stereotype of a damsel in distress. The film is also based on a book written by the famous writer Jane Austin, she will already have a huge fan base who will be excited to see the written book turn into live action. 

The sound used within the trailer for In the Heart of the Sea is extremely simple however very effective as it creates tension as the trailer goes on, it starts off relatively quiet with a faint echo, and the natural sounds of the sea and the boat moving. The lighting is dark, creating the sense of fear and danger, with low angle shots as the actors look up and look around to find out what the noise is. The hook of this trailer is the story of men at sea when they are faced with this myth of Moby Dick. There are multiple famous actors in this film, with these faces being apart of the film it will attract an audience as they will associate them with good high quality films, with Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland.
The fast pace editing and use of incredible CGI, excites the viewer to see the film as it looks realistic with an intense storyline. 'COMES ONE OF THE GREATEST TRUE STORIES' this is a unique selling point for the film as the action pact adventure film is based on a true story, making people want to see how it ends and how and who survive this journey. 

The33 is an inspiring, heart warming true story of the struggles in Chile when 33 men get trapped under ground after working in a gold mine. This trailer is would attract an audience who may be able to relate to the film, people who speak Spanish or come from a Spanish heritage as they may feel strongly on this subject, the subject on how the government act like they care but do very little to help. 
Within the trailer they use music with lyrics in it using well known songs, these songs heighten emotion and make the audience sympathetic and care more about what will happen and how It will be resolved. The lighting is dark when underground with only very little unnatural yellow lighting, this creates fear and unease for the audience. The fast pace editing and loud screaming and crashing sound, shows the hook of the film when the distastes strikes. 


using the FDA website I did the task of the trailer maker, this task was fun and enabled me to use my creativity skills more. They offered me clips from the Suffragette film trailer, however I could put them into my own sequence and add in my own sound. I enjoyed doing this although was difficult to get smooth cuts because I could not edit the length of the clips or add in transitions.  MY FINISHED TRAILER: 


Besseling talks about the importance of digital media and how it has become increasingly important in distribution, as distributors cannot create a marketing and publicity campaign without a digital strategy at the forefront of thinking. Distributors must ensure they maintain desired positioning, digital gives publicists fantastic opportunity to engage further with the target audience/consumers on a more targeted and personal level, and make sure they really have the films narrative and elements of campaign and use it to interact and talk about current affairs and current situations, a relevant example to current affairs now that has huge coverage online from many brands and people is the Black Lives Matter movement that sparked because of police brutality against George Floyd when huge actors such as John Boyega spoke out about it publicly at protests. 

It pushes users to engage and interact with the digital content. Digital is good because it allows users and fans to create their own content to support release. Although digital use to have an incredibly small budget of about 0.5% but over the years has increased up to 12/15% on digital spend, whether that's social media, pre-roles, display adds. 

16-24 year olds are the wide majority of target audiences and are an important part of the market group as they use mostly mobile devices and online to listen to music, play games, use multiple of apps and engage with their friends and family online through speaking with them on social media platforms. This audience moves seamlessly from on thing to the next quickly and can get bored easily, so being online is so important to them. They may choose to ignore or pay less attention to the more traditional methods of advertising e.g. TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. 

Kezia Williams also touches on the importance of digital as it is an element of everything we do in our day to day lives. She states how it is hard to distinguish boundaries between digital activity and non digital as it crosses over everything, publicity, magazines, newspapers but this will also live online as well. Digital media, digital promotion, social media can reach audience through digital. The first place an audience sees a trailer in the modern day is on mobile devices, online rather than in cinema unlike 20 years ago. 
Big film franchises such as Star Wars and the Bond films are shared hugely through social media, the power of online is so potent because of the conversation that happens there is so much buzz around the trailers, this means they go viral and trend on twitter, instagram etc, people will tag each other and spread even more awareness on it. At this point marketing can be drawn in as well and put money behind it to push it a bit further to enhance the natural launch that has already happened through social media and fans. 

It is important to tailer the message for digital environment, the traditional method is adapted for this new modern environment. For an active audience who are scrolling through there social media pages there is only a few seconds to capture that audiences attention before they scroll on and move onto the next thing, within the trailer it is important to rather than start with a logo or establishing shot they must start by put in the most compelling messages of the film, who's in it, why they should see it, capture their attention before they get into the main trailer. 

Example of how traditional and digital media overlaps
(from the FDA Yearbook 2020)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent quality research with detailed investigations into how a distributor's campaign works.
